
Is Root Canal Therapy the Best Way to Save a Tooth ?

For many patients, the last thing they want to be told at the dentist is that they need a root canal. In fact, thanks to its past reputation as a painful and barbaric procedure, the majority of people would rather do anything than have root canal work done. But the reality is this - root canals have come a long way. Years of advancements in dentistry have taken the procedure from a horrific experience to a relatively simple one - the vast majority of root canals performed today cause only minor discomfort. Not only are they now a relatively painless procedure, but getting them done can actually prevent a whole lot of pain and suffering down the road. So if you find yourself in a position where you might need root canal treatment in Oshawa , this is everything you need to know about how they work - and how they can save your teeth. What Are Some Reasons For A Root Canal? Your teeth are made up of a number of different layers and components. These layers are designed to prot

The Best Orthodontic Treatments for Adults

Whenever you think about orthodontics, you probably think about young teens wearing metallic appliances. Metallic braces are popular among teenagers and work excellently; however, for grown-up adults, they can show too much and prefer having crooked teeth than wearing conventional braces.   Luckily, nowadays, there are many aesthetic options for aligning your teeth, and our orthodontic dentist in Oshawa will explain to us more:   Ceramic Braces   Ceramic braces consist of small tooth-colored brackets that an orthodontic dentist near you bonds to the front of your teeth and join together with and, also, tooth-colored wire. They are more aesthetic than metallic brackets.   On the downside, brackets and wires are uncomfortable for many people.   Lingual Braces   Lingual braces are like traditional braces, but they go attached to the dental surface that faces the tongue; meaning, the part that you can’t see. Virtually, they are aesthetic because they don’t show; ho

Severe Pain After a Root Canal ? Here's What You Can Do

There is a misbelief about the root canal that it is a painful dental treatment, but thanks to modern dentistry, it is no more uncomfortable than a dental filling.  It is true that after the procedure, you might feel some discomfort; however, we will give you all the recommendations for your recovery period to be as comfortable as possible. First, let’s talk about the procedure itself.f Root Canal Treatment A root canal in Oshawa is a dental procedure that an endodontist performs to save the tooth. When you have a dental infection that has spread to the pulp, the only way to keep the tooth is undergoing root canal therapy. The alternative is to extract it, hence the importance of looking for a root canal near you. We will explain the procedure in five steps: Step one – You visit a dentist near you, and they take a set of x-rays of your tooth to evaluate the spreading of the infection and if a root canal will be able to save the dental piece. Step two – Your endodontist isolates the

Best Tip Ever: Avoid Needing Root Canals

Unfortunately, most people visit a dentist in Oshawa when they have a toothache, but if you are already in pain, it’s too late. Sure, there will be options to fix your problem and restore your oral health; however, we shouldn’t wait until we feel uncomfortable to schedule a dental appointment.  When you have severe tooth damage, root canal therapy in Oshawa can be the only option to save it. Thanks to modern dentistry, root canal therapy near you is comfortable and can be done in a single visit. Also, the recovery is simple, and you can resume your daily activities on the same day. What Is a Root Canal? It is a dental procedure that consists of the removal of the deteriorated tooth structure, along with the pulp, since bacteria have affected it as well. To avoid the infection from spreading to other areas and cause more damage, you should look for a dentist near you , specialized in endodontics, to treat it. Steps of the Root Canal First, your endodontist will administer local anesthe

Myths & Facts You Should Know About Dental Implants

Did you know that dental implants are the first devices in modern dentistry to fuse permanently with your jawbone? They integrate into the bone through a process called osseointegration. After this process is completed, a specialized dentist near you will place the permanent dental crown, and your new tooth will look as natural as ever. Ideally, your permanent teeth would be forever with you; however, if you happen to lose a dental piece, this is a great option to replace it. It can last for a lifetime, and you will improve your quality of life. Our dentist in Oshawa, who is specialized in oral surgery, will debunk some myths about dental implants for you to know the truth about this successful procedure. Myth1 – Everyone Can Qualify for Dental Implants Fact: Not everybody can receive dental implants in Oshawa . Even though most people can, there are some contraindications, such as not having a dense enough jawbone. If this is your case, most certainly, you will need bone graf

7 Tips for Getting the Best Invisalign Results

Invisalign has become a more and more demanded treatment. The reason for it is because it is a system that consists of multiple sets of clear plastic aligners, each of which you have to wear for two weeks approximately until your teeth are straight. It is faster treatment than fixed braces, and adults love it because they don’t have to look like young teens while getting their teeth aligned. Even though it does wonders, some people have undergone Invisalign but didn’t end up satisfied with the results, or they don’t recommend it because they thought the treatment was going to be faster. Keep on reading if you want to know seven tips for getting the best Invisalign results, and not being one of the unfortunate ones that wished their results would have been better: 1. Go for a Certified Invisalign Orthodontist Not all orthodontists are certified in Invisalign. If you are looking for Invisalign in Oshawa , we have a professional that can help you achieve the smile you always wan

Denture Care: How Do I Clean Dentures?

According to a recent report by the American College of Prosthodontists, it is unfortunate that close to 40 million Americans have not been able to preserve their natural teeth. This figure is expected to rise in the upcoming years due to continued poor oral habits that may negatively affect teeth. For this reason and many others, dentures are worn daily all around the world. If you wear dentures, you will need to learn how to properly clean and care for them. Dentures, like natural teeth, need to be thoroughly cleaned. Stringent hygienic practices are required to care for dentures. It is, therefore, essential to know how to clean and take care of them. The more seriously you take care of them, the longer they will last! In this article, we will discuss the best way to clean dentures!   How often should you clean dentures? It is vital to treat your dentures in Oshawa as you would treat natural teeth. It would be best to keep them as clean as possible. This guarantee